西原ワールド アート医研



13. アパタイト人工歯根の周囲組織における応力分布の有限要素解析
12. 新様式のアパタイト人工歯根の治療成績について
11. 実験進化学手法によるセメント質誘導型のアパタイト人工歯根の開発
10. Biomechanical Investigation of Implant Failure in Bone-Bioceramics Juncture System.
9. Biomechanical Stydies on Shape Effect of Hydroxyapatite Artificial Root Upon Surrounding Jawbone.
8. Biomechanical Research on Junction System of Bone with Biomaterials.
7. Biomechanical Studies on Newly Tailored Artificial Dental Root.
6. Studies on Peri-root Tissue Formation Around New Type Artificial Root Made of Dense Hydroxyapatite.
5. Case Report of Hydroxyapatite Therapeutics in Oral Region.
4. Case Report on Artificial Root Therapeutics.
3. Studies on Periodontal Tissue Around a New Type Hydroxyapatite Artificial Root.
2. Light Microscopic and SEM Observation of Tissue Around New Type Artificial Roots.
1. Comparative Studies on Periodontal Tissues Around New Type Artificial Roots Made of Zirconium Oxide, Titanium and Hydroxyapatite.